
New Aquaponics Tracker Screenshots

The first round of testing is about to begin for the Aquaponics Tracker webapp so we're posting the first screenshots.  Figure 1 highlights the main screen and the new jQuery Date Picker, allowing you to create inputs on any day you like.

Fig 1.  Main screen with jQuery calendar date picker.

The charts are dynamically generated and updated using HTML 5, AJAX and SVG, so the app is compatible with modern browsers and is cross-platform (will work on Android, Windows and Apple devices).  All data is created/updated/deleted in the same page, without the need to refresh the screen, making for a seamless user experience.

After the initial feedback from beta testing we'll include Responsive Web Design, to optimize the screen layout based on the device you are using.  As an example, buttons and text will be sized to accommodate small phones and touch screens, but change for larger screen sizes.

Fig 2.  Interactive charts and inputs analysis.

Finally, the charts are interactive.  Select a nitrate reading in the nitrate graph and the charts and form will automatically show the corresponding date's data, making it a breeze to access data.

If you'd like to see more screenshots, a deeper description and to sign-up for notification when it's ready, head over to the Aquaponics Tracker page.

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